Monday, November 5, 2012

Hope for a Nobody: my latest book

When Uncle Richard promises Hope Lockhart a summer at Brier farm, she pictures roses, lambs, and sunshine. Instead, she finds domestic violence, fraud, and a situation that teeters dangerously on the brink of human slavery. What secret does Farmer Jeter hold against his young worker, Chris Harris, that keeps the boy under his cruel thumb? There seems to be no way out for Hope & Chris, unless they can find a friend...

Volume 1 of the Hope Lockhart Mysteries.
Contains authentic recipes, games, and riddles of the early 20th century. 

My latest book will be out in both print and Kindle editions at as soon as they can get the page up, and is available right now as an e-book from  It should be up at Sony, Apple, Kobo, and the other e-book outlets within the new couple of weeks. To get it now, here's the link:

Hope for a Nobody explores serious themes, but it does so in a way that retains the wholesomeness of the book.

If you enjoy Hope for a Nobody, I would greatly appreciate it if you would take a moment to review it, as well as tell your friends about it.

Thank you, Gentle Reader, for your ongoing support.



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