Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Giftie Download for my Readers

" On a gaslit street in Victorian London, Inspector Thomas Waters trails a robbery suspect...but who is trailing Inspector Thomas Waters? Feel the chill of an authentic London fog in this true-crime, historic memoir of a British police detective."

Sound tempting?  It's my latest book, a short story I've published on Smashwords.  It's bundled together with a generous free sampling of my latest Julia Carroll book (The Mystery of the Blue Mill), plus a sneak-peek at my next series, The Hope Lockhart Mysteries.

All this, for the amazing price of ....$0!  Yes, you read correctly; it's free.  I really wanted to get some samples of my books out to those of you who might be a little apprehensive about taking a chance on a new writer. 

I am very pleased to say that in the first 24 hours of this little experiment, I am enjoying some really good download rates.

They'll be coming soon to the major dealers (B&N, Sony, Apple, etc.), but here they are, for you to download and enjoy now:

...so have a look, and let me know what you think.  I love feedback, reviews, and your opinion is very important to me.  Remember, I write for you!

Your Friend in Reading,


1 comment:

  1. Hello Gail! Thankyou for your very kind comment. I would be honored if you mentioned my blog. I am an Aussie who is a crazy collector (including DH) of all things to do with sewing and knitting, with a very heavy lean towards knitting spools. One day, I hope to have a book published about them too. Best wishes .... Marian aka Maz


Free 11/17-21: The Classical Reader

You read it right!  The Classical Reader Kindle version goes free for a very limited time. Finally, a short stories curriculum for thos...